Source code for yserver.core

import re
import cgi
import html
import shlex
import pathlib
import tempfile
from os import chmod
from itertools import cycle
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import bottle
from yggscr import __builddate__, __version__
from yggscr.const import RSS_TPL, DL_TPL, get_dl_link
import yggscr.ylogging
from yggscr.exceptions import YggException, LoginFailed, TooManyFailedLogins
from yggscr.client import rtorrent_add_torrent, \
    transmission_add_torrent, deluge_add_torrent, exec_cmd
from import cats
from yggscr.ygg import YggBrowser
from yserver.config import Config

bcyc = cycle([True, False])

[docs]class YggServer(bottle.Bottle): def __init__(self, cfg="yserver.cfg"): super(YggServer, self).__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.log = yggscr.ylogging.init_default_logger() # stdout self.start() self.setup_routes() self.debug()
[docs] def start(self): self.state = { 'sorted_torrents': '', 'rtEn': False, 'tsEn': False, 'dgEn': False, 'exEn': False, 'ano': True, 'corder': 'desc', 'norder': 'desc', } self.config = Config() self.config.load_config(self.cfg) yggscr.ylogging.set_consolelog_debug(self.log, self.config.bool('debug')) self.ygg = YggBrowser(proxy=self.config['proxy'], log=self.log) self.log.debug("Yserver configuration used: %s", self.cfg) self.auth()"Anonymous: %s, Proxy: %s, Ygg Auth: %s", self.state['ano'], self.ygg.proxy, self.ygg.idstate) self.setup_client_cols()
[docs] def debug(self): """ This is performed only once, at instance init """ if self.config.bool('debug'): bottle.debug(True) try: # FIXME decide werkzeug lib from bottle.ext import werkzeug werkzeug = werkzeug.Plugin() self.install(werkzeug) self.log.debug("Werkzeug installed") except Exception as e: self.log.warning("Couldn't start werkzeug (%s) debug middleware, disabling", e)
[docs] def auth(self): try: import uwsgi self.state['ano'] = uwsgi.opt['ano'].decode('utf8').upper() == "TRUE" except KeyError: self.state['ano'] = False except ImportError: # running from CLI, try to auth self.log.debug("Could not load uwsgi python module") self.state['ano'] = False if not self.state['ano']: try: username = self.config['ygg.username'] password = self.config['ygg.password'] except KeyError: self.state['ano'] = True if not self.state['ano']: try: self.ygg.login(ygg_id=username, ygg_pass=password) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Could not login with user <%s>, exception %s", username, e)
# FIXME exception here vs 3 attempts later
[docs] def setup_routes(self): self.add_hook('before_request', self.reco) for l, m in ( ('/', self.index), ('/reco', self.index_reco), ('/search', self.search_index), ('/rssearch', self.rssearch), ('/top/<name:re:(day|week|month|exclus)>', self.top_day), ('/dl/<idtorrent:int>', self.dl_torrent), ('/<client:re:(ts|rt|dg|ex)>/<idtorrent:int>/<cat:re:', self.send_torrent), ('/ex/<cat:path>/<subcat:path>/<idtorrent:int>', self.exec_torrent), ('/rss', self.rss), ('/rss/<cat>', self.rss_cat), ('/stats', self.stats), ('/static/<filepath>', self.server_static), ('/images/<filepath>', self.server_images), ): self.route(path=l, callback=m)
[docs] def setup_client_cols(self): if not self.state['ano']: if self.config['rtorrent.rpc_url']: self.state['rtEn'] = True if self.config['']: self.state['tsEn'] = True if self.config['']: self.state['dgEn'] = True if self.config['exec.cmd']: self.state['exEn'] = True
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): super(YggServer, self).run( host=self.config[''], port=self.config['if.port'], reloader=self.config.bool('debug'), **kwargs )
[docs] def results_opts(self, results, sort=''): """ client side sort """ return sorted(results, key=lambda k: getattr(k, sort), reverse=next(bcyc)) if sort else results
[docs] def mtemplate(self, tpl, rtn=[], request=None, **kwargs): return bottle.template(tpl, request=request or bottle.request, state=self.state, rtn=rtn, **kwargs)
[docs] def rssize(self, torrents, base): rss_tpl = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>YggTorrent RSS</title> <link></link> <description>Better than Official YggTorrent RSS Feed</description> {items} </channel> </rss>""" item_tpl = """<item><title>{title}</title> <description>Size: {torrent.nsize}, Seeders: {torrent.seed}, Leechers: {torrent.leech}</description> <link>{torrent.href}</link><pubDate>{torrent.publish_date}</pubDate> <enclosure url="{uri}"/></item>""" bottle.response.set_header('Content-type', 'application/xml') return rss_tpl.format(items="\n".join( item_tpl.format( torrent=torrent, uri=base.format(id=torrent.tid), title=html.escape(torrent.title)) for torrent in torrents))
# Hooks
[docs] def reco(self): if bottle.request.path.startswith(('/static/', '/images')): return if self.state['ano']: return try: except Exception as e: self.log.warning("Ping failed, can't check state, exception is %s", e) else: self.log.debug("Ping reported state %s", self.ygg.idstate) if self.ygg.idstate != "Authenticated": try: self.ygg.login(ygg_id=self.config['ygg.username'], ygg_pass=self.config['ygg.password']) except LoginFailed as e: self.log.warning("Failed login, exception is %s", e) return except TooManyFailedLogins as e: self.log.error("Too many failed logins, login disabled (fix your settings), exception is %s", e) self.state['ano'] = True return except YggException as e: self.log.error("Generic exception got raised: %s", e) return self.log.debug("Logged in as %s", self.config['ygg.username']) else: self.log.debug("Already authenticated")
# Static Images routes
[docs] def server_static(self, filepath): return bottle.static_file(filepath, root='resources/static')
[docs] def server_images(self, filepath): return bottle.static_file(filepath, root='resources/images')
# Routes
[docs] def index_reco(self): # FIXME cfscrape randomizes User Agent in a global, we keep the same ua without properly reloading cfscrape self.ygg.browser.session.close() self.start() return self.index()
[docs] def index(self): ua = self.ygg.response().request.headers['User-Agent'] return self.mtemplate( 'index', rtn=["Running version {} built on {}.".format(__version__, __builddate__), "Showing as {}".format(ua), "Welcome " + ( "Anonymous - Connect for more options" if self.state['ano'] else self.config['ygg.username']), ] )
[docs] def search_index(self): # FIXME linting (no member decode?) q = bottle.request.copy().query.decode() if q.pop('act', "") == "Rssize": bottle.redirect("rssearch?" + bottle.request.query_string) rtn = [] try: torrents = self.ygg.search_torrents(q=q) except Exception as e: self.state['sorted_torrents'] = [] rtn.append("Failed: {}".format(e)) else: self.state['sorted_torrents'] = torrents rtn.append("Search returned {} torrents".format(len(torrents))) q.pop('sort', None) q.pop('page', None) self.state['corder'] = q.pop('order', 'asc') self.state['norder'] = 'desc' if self.state['corder'] == 'asc' else 'asc' self.state['qs'] = 'search?' + urlencode(q, True) return self.mtemplate('search_results', rtn=rtn)
[docs] def rssearch(self): q = bottle.request.copy().query.decode() q.pop('act', None) q['sort'] = 'publish_date' q['order'] = 'desc' torrents = self.ygg.search_torrents(q=q) if self.state['ano']: return self.rssize(torrents, DL_TPL) return self.rssize(torrents, bottle.request.urlparts.scheme + "://" + bottle.request.urlparts.netloc+bottle.request.script_name+"dl/{id}")
[docs] def top_day(self, name): torrents = { 'day': self.ygg.top_day, 'week': self.ygg.top_week, 'month': self.ygg.top_month, 'exclus': self.ygg.exclus, }.get(name, lambda: [])() self.state['sorted_torrents'] = self.results_opts(torrents, bottle.request.query.sort) self.state['qs'] = 'top/{}?'.format(name) return self.mtemplate('search_results', rtn=["Search returned {} torrents".format( len(torrents))])
[docs] def dl_torrent(self, idtorrent): head, resp = self.ygg.download_torrent(torrent_id=idtorrent) for k, v in head: bottle.response.set_header(k, v) return resp
[docs] def exec_torrent(self, cat, subcat, idtorrent): rtn = [] try: old_req = bottle.request _, resp = self.ygg.download_torrent(torrent_id=idtorrent) except Exception as e: rtn.append("Couldn't download torrent [{}]".format(e)) self.state['qs'] = 'search?' return self.mtemplate('search_results', rtn=rtn, request=old_req) h = self.ygg.response().headers _, params = cgi.parse_header(h['Content-Disposition']) fname = pathlib.Path(bytes(params['filename'][:-len(".torrent")], "iso8859-1").decode("utf-8")) fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="yggscr-{}-".format(fname), suffix=".torrent") fp.write(resp) fp.flush() chmod(, 444) cmd = self.config['exec.cmd'].format(f=shlex.quote(, cat=shlex.quote(cat), subcat=shlex.quote(subcat)) rtn.append("Torrent downloaded, executing command {}".format(cmd)) output, error = exec_cmd(cmd) self.log.debug(error) if error: rtn.append("|".join(filter(None, ("FAIL", str(error))))) else: rtn.append("|".join(filter(None, ("OK", str(output))))) self.state['qs'] = 'search?' return self.mtemplate('search_results', rtn=rtn)
[docs] def send_torrent(self, client, idtorrent): rtn = [] try: old_req = bottle.request _, resp = self.ygg.download_torrent(torrent_id=idtorrent) rtn.append("Torrent downloaded, sending to {} client...".format(client)) except Exception as e: rtn.append("Couldn't download torrent [{}]".format(e)) self.state['qs'] = 'search?' return self.mtemplate('search_results', rtn=rtn, request=old_req) try: if client == "ts": user = self.config['transmission.user'] passw = self.config['transmission.password'] host = self.config[''] port = self.config['transmission.tport'] msg = "Adding torrent to transmission {}:{}@{}:{}".format( user, passw, host, port) rtn.append(msg) transmission_add_torrent(host, port, user, passw, resp) elif client == "rt": ru = self.config['rtorrent.rpc_url'] rtn.append("Adding torrent to rtorrent @ rpc_url {}".format(ru)) rtorrent_add_torrent(ru, resp) elif client == "dg": user = self.config['deluge.user'] passw = self.config['deluge.password'] host = self.config[''] port = self.config['deluge.tport'] rtn.append("Adding {}:{}@{}:{}".format(user, passw, host, port)) r = deluge_add_torrent(host, port, user, passw, resp) rtn.append("Deluged RPC returned {}".format(r)) except Exception as e: rtn.append("|".join(filter(None, ("Adding torrent failed", str(e))))) else: rtn.append("Ok") self.state['qs'] = 'search?' return self.mtemplate('search_results', rtn=rtn)
[docs] def rss(self): return self.mtemplate('rss', results=cats)
[docs] def rss_cat(self, cat): def rep_f(match): return str(get_dl_link( + '"') if cat in cats.keys(): cat = cats[cat] elif cat not in cats.values(): return self.rss() uri = bottle.request.urlparts.scheme+"://" + \ bottle.request.urlparts.netloc if self.state['ano']: response_body = re.sub( r'https:[^"]*torrent_generator[^"0-9]*([0-9]*).*"', rep_f, self.ygg.response().content.decode('utf-8')) else: response_body = re.sub( r'https:[^"]*torrent_generator[^"0-9]*([0-9]*).*"', r'%s/dl/\1"' % uri, self.ygg.response().content.decode('utf-8')) bottle.response.set_header('Content-type', 'application/xml') response_body = re.sub(r'(Official YggTorrent)', r'Better than \1', response_body) return response_body
[docs] def stats(self): if self.state['ano']: return {'error': 'Connect to get your stats in real time'} try: return self.ygg.get_stats() except Exception as e: return {'error': 'Error Exception {}'.format(e)}